Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Practice Review 8/27

Here are some IMPORTANT updates that were discussed at practice

Certification: See more information below. We asked about who will be needing a carpool and who will be wanting to drive. I mainly requested for girls to ask parents and come with an answer for practice Thursday. There will most likely be a parking fee. By carpooling we SAVE money. I like to save money so carpooling is a great option.

Team Bonding: I want to make this mandatory. It is in place of practice time on Saturday. Your coaching staff will be providing a breakfast which the girls may help cook depending on how we are going to go about it. Girls are more than welcome to bring food to contribute. Suggestions for items include fruit, juices, or small items that girls can snack on throughout (chips, vegetables, etc) Please remember we have a couple NUT ALLERGIES. Do not bring anything that may contain nuts. 

Lay out for Saturday's Schedule. 
5:15am- Meet at Fair Oaks Park
5:30am- Leave Fair Oaks Park to meet at Fairgrounds
6:00am- Arrive at Santa Clara Fairgrounds (If I have a parent that volunteers for small snacks/fruit for the girls that would be AWESOME)
Certification occurs some point between 7-9am. If we all get there early and are prepared, we can make this nice and smooth.
9:15am (If we finish on time) Leave Fairgrounds for Team Bonding (Address will be e-mailed)
9:30/9:45am Arrive at Team Bonding
945am-12:30pm- Team Bonding activities including breakfast

I HIGHLY encourage participation at the Team Bonding. It is HUGE that I am allowing a team bonding instead of a practice. The coaching staff has discussed that practice might be a bit much for the girls after certification, but a team bonding is perfect. It creates the opportunity for the girls to come together and really see themselves as a TEAM. 

Game: Sunday there IS a game. It is our FIRST game. Attendance is MANDATORY to ALL games. Failure to attend games or to show up late will result in demerits earned. I was asked a great question last night if the information will always be this late. I wish I could say no, but it really does happen quite often. We do our best to get the information out, BUT it changes so frequently and because we are working with other leagues for games, it is practically out of our hands. Please bare with us and know that I am keeping you as informed as I can.

Uniforms: This season for games we will be wearing our skirts and game tops. We are hoping to have these ready Saturday. Jackets will be MANDATORY to bring to all games. We may be collecting uniforms after all games so that girls do not have pieces go missing.

Practices Next Week: After Labor day, practices shift to only 6 hours a week as opposed to 10. That means only 3 days instead of 5. Awesome! But that also means less practice time, so we need to make sure those practices are just as effective. The schedule for next week will be TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY. The location MAY be at an indoor facility so please stay up to date. 
NO MONDAY AND SATURDAY. This is JUST for next week. It is set up to give you Labor Day off to spend with the family. 
Practices after next week will be released on Friday. I am waiting to hear about locations for remainder of the season. 

Commend on Hard Work: These girls are working hard at practice and out of practice. It is not going unnoticed! I am very proud of these girls and could not ask for a better bunch this year. They impress us everyday (even if we have to push them to get there). That goes all way through to the parents. Thank you for getting your daughter out there and being on top to make sure they succeed. We really are teaching skills and helping build character to make them successful in all that follows cheer. Everyone, Keep up the great work!

I wanted to Provide the girls a Chance to check out this video. I will eventually be showing this video at practice, but I want them to see what cheer really entails and that they are on their road to success.

This movie STILL gives me the chills. I have provided you with the wording for it, because I LOVE it. It still motivates me on the daily. 

Life is tough. That's a given. When you stand up you're going to be shoved back down. When you're down, you're going to be stepped on. My Advice doesn't come with a bunch of bells and whistles. It's no secret, you'll fall down, you'll stumble, you'll get pushed, you'll land square on your face. Every time that happens you get back on your feet as fast as you can. No matter how many times you need to do it. Remember this:
Success has been  and will be continued defined as getting up one more time than you've been knocked down. If experience has taught me anything, it's that nothing is free and living ain't easy. Life is hard. REAL hard. INCREDIBLY hard. You fail more often than you  win. Nobody is handing you anything. It's up to YOU to puff up your chest, stretch your neck, and overcome all the difficult, the nasty, the mean, the unfair. You want more than you have now. PROVE it. You want to be the very best there is, get out there and earn it. Once you decide that, you will know where it is you want to be. And you won't stop pushing forward until you get there. That's how winners are made. At the end of the day, success is what we ALL want. We all want to win. And the race WILL be one. There is no question about that. So Come on! Get out on top. Run Faster, Dream Bigger, Live better than you ever had before. This is in you! You can do this. Do it for yourself. Prove it to yourself. 

1 comment:

  1. There are two moms who are bringing breakfast for the girls at the certification. They will have bagels, croissants, hot chocolate and frult.
