Monday, August 26, 2013

E-mailed 8/23

*I will be Making it a Priority to start posting More to this Blog for those of you to reference. I will try to touch on anything discussed at Circle up on this Blog. PLEASE use this as a a resource. PLEASE save this to book mark to check regularly. 

Hello all,

Hope everyone is doing well! I just wanted to touch on a couple important things. Many of these were discussed at the parent circle up last night. 

Pick ups: Parents need to be on the field for pick up. This is for safety reasons. That means, please don't have your kids meet you at the car. This brings me to the next point.

Practice Times: School has started and we'll be ending at 8:15 every night. To make this work, breaks will be a bit shorter. This means smaller to no snack. Please make sure your child is fed prior to practice to allow work out. Next Thursday they'll be doing the big family group circle up and we want all of our girls out there. Pick up will be a little later because of this family circle up. 

After Labor Day: Labor Day is the first week of September. We are waiting to hear about where our practice location will be. Once it's Labor Day, we cut back to practices 3 days a week. Because it is difficult this year to find a facility, the dates are not set in stone. I am crossing my fingers for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but don't quote me on that because it will depend heavily on when is available. 

Homework: Please remind your child it is their responsibility to complete homework prior to practice. There is plenty of time prior to practice for them to work on their homework. 

Buyouts and Fundraiser: This is a MANDATORY fundraiser and it was due last Monday. If you did not turn in money for tickets, you MUST pay the buy out which is $60. This fundraiser and buyout money is what the league uses to cover expenses for the program. This includes the lights for the field, the building facilities, practice gear, banquets, trophies, etc. It is not cheap. The league helps pay for it.  Please bring the money/orderforms at practice TONIGHT. 

I appreciate the work the girls have putting on the field. They are really making headway. We still have A LOT of work to do to make them National Champion ready, but I am confident that I can see the determination. Keep up the great work with getting your child out there on time and ready to work. 

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