Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Few Reminders!

Aloha everyone!

Just a couple of reminders that were sent out through e-mail from Team Mom Terri!

Uniform Balances: For many of you, this was paid and due August 1st. For some, the date was communicated a bit late, but AUGUST 15th is the absolute last day to turn in remaining balances (unless you've already spoken with Arlene the treasurer). Failure to turn in balances by August 15th WILL result in athletes sitting out from practices. This has to be done to ensure everyone is being treated fairly and so we are not dealing with money once games and competitions start. This is not new to everyone. I appreciate everyone's corporation. 

FUNDRAISER: Raider's fundraising is due by August 19th. This is next Monday. Please make sure to either sell the required 4-6 tickets, or have money for the buyout which is 60 dollars. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact Team Mom Terri, Coach Jackie, or myself. It is important that we have participation. The money raised goes directly to YOUR CHILDREN! It is not cheap to make sure we have proper equipment. 

Cheer Bows: Team Mom Terri will be working on putting together bows on Saturday August 17th morning during practice.  Come mingle with other parents while helping out the team!

Pool Party: After practice on August 24th (Approx 1pm-330pm) We will be having a pool party/team bonding event. This will include a small lunch and of course a lot of fun! There will be some team building activities as well as SWIMMING! The weather has been pretty nice so it should be a great turn out. More details to come including location. 

Certification: Certification will be Saturday, August 31st at the Fairgrounds. I will be handing out a flyer as soon as I get more details. Plan for an early morning! Certification is Mandatory! FAILURE TO ATTEND RESULTS IN BEING DROPPED FROM THE TEAM. DONT LET YOUR DAUGHTERS HARD WORK GO TO WASTE! It is conducted by Pop Warner organization and is not in Sunnyvale's control. We follow what they tell us to do. I'm sorry that they had given us a different date mid preseason, but nonetheless it was originally scheduled for August 31st and I was not told about any vacations. 

Vacations: Practice is mandatory. If you have a vacation planned that is scheduled BEFORE September 1st, I need to know about it IMMEDIATELY. I do not want to hear about it the day before, I need AT LEAST 3 days notice. This helps plan the practices accordingly. Failure to give me 3 days notice will result in 3 demerits for an unexcused absence. Once September hits, vacations will not be clarified as an excused absence. This is because games start, jamboree, and competitions routines begin. 

Sick Days: I need to know a minimum of 1 hour before practice if your daughter will not be at practice. Failure to notify me (via text, email, voicemail, phone call etc) will result in 3 demerits for an unexcused absence. I understand that people get sick, but there is no reason I should not hear about it BEFORE practice. 

Injuries: Your daughters are working hard at practices. It is natural for them to feel  a little bit of discomfort. It is important for them to be able to recognize serious injury from soreness. We strive to get them out of the comfort zone, it is what you're paying for after all! Please make sure to take care of injuries properly. This includes icing the, elevating them, resting them, bracing them, etc. If a child is complaining about a hurt part on their body and then goes and runs around when they're not at practice, this is not a serious injury most likely. If your daughter does go to the doctors to have a viewing of an injury MAKE SURE TO GET A DOCTORS NOTE! Doctor visits are not cheap. Obtain a note that says that they can or cannot participate in all activity. Try to make it as specific as possible. If they can participate in jumping, stunting, stretching, etc that is what we're looking for. Many of these children do not do a lot of physical activity in the off season. That means they're going to hurt at least a little!

On a side note! Thank you everyone for being so cooperative with everything! We are off to a great start! Keep practicing your girls at home in front of the mirror they can see what we see and they can correct motions. I'm proud of every cheerleader on our team!

Any questions, feel free to contact me!


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