Thursday, October 9, 2014

Updates Including October Practices

Great job to the girls over the weekend for leaving it all out there. We had a bit of hiccups, but nothing that we can't recover from.

We had our nationals meeting on this past Monday. Girls and Guardians/Parents were expected to let me know where they stand on nationals. Those that have not contacted me have been notified.
Girls that do not plan to attend nationals will have their last practices the week leading up to November 1st competition. They will be invited to participate in games during playoffs. If they chose to participate in games, same contract is in force as far as being late and being there to be apart of the team. During these practices leading up to November 1st, it is crucial that all girls conduct practice as if they are going to the national level. They will be expected to push hard.

Game this weekend:
Arrive at 9:30am. Game starts at 11:30am
Location: Leigh High School in San Jose: Address: 5210 Leigh Ave. San Jose, CA 95124This.
Dress: Girls should come just like previous games with a white shirt and their black skirts. We are not wearing our competition uniform as that is to be saved for competition. Do not wear your competition shoes.

Dance Saturday:
The league will be having a dance on Saturday. I am assuming it will start at 6pm, but this is not confirmed. I am also assuming there is no cost and it will be the cost of the can. I do think there will be food for sale. I am basically waiting on details. Location: Fair Oaks Park

This week (10/6): T/Th/F
Week of 10/13: T/Th/F
Week of 10/20: T/W/F **Possible weekend practice instead of Wednesday Stay posted, Keep both days free
Week of 10/27: M/W/Th
Competition: November 1st

*Please anticipate these are subject to change. I do have a goal to get the girls into a building for one of the days which will involve a weekend practice.

Currently we have Popcorn going and are pushing for families to seek sponsorships. Finances are not a reason to not attend nationals as there are people out there that would gladly help out in allowing these girls to go to Florida. It is all a matter of will power and desire. I highly encourage girls to be proactive. It is not solely the parents responsibilities, but rather the girls efforts.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Weekend Details

Details as promised:

Performances Friday: Please make sure girls arrive to practice on time with their black or white cheer shoes that they plan to wear on Sunday. Preference: Please come dressed in Black shorts and White shirts. Sorry this was not mentioned on Circle up Wednesday. Spread the word to teammates.
Friday we will be doing performances for the parents from 8:15 until approximately 8:35. Parents will be welcomed to watch from inside. We request that after circle up and the team breaking that everyone helps in cleaning up the chairs. The girls are still required to be with the team the entire time and will not be released until they break as a team.

Saturday Game: Girls should be checked in with the team at 11am at King's academy (Home Field). Girls should be dressed with high pony tails, black or white shoes, skirts, spankies, and white shirts. Regular game expectations are in place. Be there on time.

Sunday Jubilee:
Arrival: 6:30am (Do not arrive late)
Dress: Skirts, Rocket's Shirts (You'll receive them on Friday), White or black athletic shoes (Preapproved other shoes will be preferred), low cut/no show white socks, Warm ups only for morning, Cheer bags, high pony tail
Location: Gunderson High School, San Jose.  622 Gaundabert Ln., San Jose, CA 95136
Please bring a water and a small snack to eat while watching other teams.
Girls will not be dismissed until the Rockets Midget team preforms. This should be approximately 2pm. Our team is scheduled to preform between 9-11. Doors open for parents at 7:30.
The cost for spectators is $8.

Sunday Volunteers: We need to provide volunteers for Sunday's Jubilee. If you volunteer, you get in free. They will make sure you get to watch your child preform. Please let me know ASAP if you are able to do this. I appreciate all the help from the parents and it looks very good if we can get some volunteers to help out.

Sweatshirts: Reminder about the sweatshirts that are for sell. They are $35. The website to check them out is:  If you have questions please contact Rhea at:

Any other questions about the weekend or the season, please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Email Reposting

Hello SV Family,

I hope your weekend went well! Just wanted to touch base on a few things.

Practice dates this week were mentioned after Friday's practice. They will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. 
*Practice is required all the dates and failure to attend a practice may result in being pulled from Sunday's performance. 

Fundraiser: GREAT job to the girls for collecting fundraisers. I am extremely impressed! This shows me their level of commitment and their intent to finish the season through Nationals. I do hope this effort continues moving forward. Nationals is approximately 1200+ per cheerleader. Please do not wait until November to prepare for this. Also, those that forgot their fundraisers on Friday, Tuesday will be the absolute last day for us to collect them. 

Comp Information: I have not been given details other than it will be this Sunday, September 21st. Please plan to be there early. Last season, jubilee arrival time was 6am. The location is Gunderson High School in San Jose. I will update everyone as soon as I hear more. 

Uniform: Girls have been fitted and we are finding uniforms to be mostly true to size. Shoes, however, have been finding a bunch of off sizes. I will be issuing backpacks and small goodies half way through the week. Uniforms will be released at my discretion. If you have any questions about these, please come to me. As mentioned at practice on Friday, any issues should be addressed through me so we can handle them accordingly. This is to be a stress free season and I do the best I can to keep things running smoothly. 

Snack money: $25 should have been turned in by last Friday. Please check with Coach Jackie and turn in your snack money asap. Girls will not be issued any of their cheer gear until you have turned in your money. 

Efforts: I just wanted to side note, as mentioned on Friday, I coach for the girls and all the parents help is so beyond greatly appreciated. I am thankful to have such a supportive team and we will all experience the success. It is everyone that makes the season successful. 

Thank you everyone!

Friday, September 12, 2014


Hello SV Junior Family,

Just a few things:

Game is Saturday, September 13th
Girls need to arrive by 6:30 am. The address is: Ernie Raimondi Park,1800 Wood St
Oakland, CA 94620
Same uniform and rules as last game:
Black or White Athletic shoes
No nail polish
Hair in a high pony tail
WHITE socks
White shirts - CLEAN
Bring water
Wear sunscreen

There should not be a charge for this game.
Please report to Coach Jackie and Coach Gabby when you arrive. If you are running late we need to be called or it will be unexcused. Reminder: 3 missed games = no competing

The girls have been doing awesome lately. We've been getting a lot done during practices and we are on track to be ready for Jubilee September 21st. Please make sure your cheerleader is reviewing all the material learned so they don't forget it. Now that we aren't practicing 5 days a week, those split up days make it more difficult for their retention.

Practices Next week: M/T/F

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Practices Week 9/8

Hello SV Junior Family,

I just wanted to send out a quick email reminder for the practice schedule this week. On the blog, it originally had it as M/T/F. Throughout the week I had asked the girls when next practice was and I had said it was Tuesday, because of this, we will be practicing Tues/Thurs/Fri of this week. 

I apologize for the confusion. Quick reminder, there are only 6 more practices until first competition. Practices are Alwaysmandatory. Missing practices (Even if showing up late past 1/2 hour) may result in not competing in competition.
Please make sure you are also on time for games. Arriving late is unacceptable.
Good job to the girls during the game. They are getting better at memorizing and practicing their cheers, it is starting to show!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

2014 Game Schedule

SV Juniors Game Schedule 2014

Saturday 9/6
San Francisco Seahawks
Home Game: The King’s Academy 562 N Britton Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Saturday 9/13
East Bay East
Ernie Raimondi Park,1800 Wood St
Oakland, CA 94620
Saturday 9/20
Brentwood Falcons
Home Game: The King’s Academy 562 N Britton Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Sunday 9/28
Santa Clara Lions
Townsend Field: 1111 Bellomy St
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Saturday 10/4
Morgan Hill Raiders
Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center: 16500 Condit Rd, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Sunday 10/12
Cambrian Valley Long Horns
Leigh High School: 5210 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA 95124
Saturday 10/18
Salinas Cardinals
Salinas Sports Complex: 1034 N Main St, Salinas, CA 93906
Saturday 10/25
Berkley Bears
Home Game: The King’s Academy 562 N Britton Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

* Please Note the time will range between 10-2 and games will be approximately 2 and 1/2 hours. Parents are to pick up their child from the game and we will not allow them to leave without parental guidance. Girls are to arrive 2 hours prior. Please check the blog fro the most updated information as this schedule is Subject to Change. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Updates Certification and First Game

Updates for the next coming weeks:

Before practice on Friday, August 29th please try on skirt for Sunday's game. 

Certification Saturday, August 30th

  • Nails must be short (turn hand away from face and should not be able to see nail over finger)
  • Hair must be a natural color
  • No fake tattoos/real tattoos/hand drawings visible
  • Must know full name that appears on birth certificate
  • Must be able to recite birthday (Day, month and year)
  • Be hydrated and have a light snack in the morning
Be there no later than 6 am
Address: 344 Tully Rd, San Jose, CA
Parking is $5-$8 (Carpool is suggested) (Cash only) (Bring Exact Change)
What to wear: Come Dressed in black shorts with black sweatpants, black jacket(Warm ups from previous year preferred) and a plain white T-Shirt. Shoes are preferred to be white or black only. Hair should be up in a high pony tail.

First Game Sunday, August 31st

Jamboree is $8 (most games do not have a charge, but the first one typically does)
Location: Pioneer High School: 1290 Blossom Hill Rd., San Jose, CA
Game Starts at 11am.
Please arrive by 9am. Allow yourself time to find the team. Being late will result in sitting out first quarter.
What to wear: Please come dressed in your White T-Shirt and Skirt. You should receive skirts on Friday night or they should be their skirts from last year. Hair should be in a high pony tail with no bangs. ABSOLUTELY NO Jewelry/Earrings/Braclets etc. Shoes should be White or Black and athletic. Bring a water bottle and a light snack. Cheerleaders should come already fed.

As a Reminder, late arrivals will result in 50 Burpees at Monday's practice.

Optional Bonding: 2 hours following Certification. It is in place of a practice for the week. Please see email about Saturday Bonding. [[Details will be sent out Friday, Aug 29]]

Schedule for September: 

(Game schedule should come out this next week) (Practices subject to change due to practicing indoors, this will be based on room availability)
Week of Sept 1: T/Th/F
Week of Sept 8: M/T/F
Week of Sept 15: M/T/F [[Comp Weekend Sept 21 @ Gunderson HS]]
Week of Sept 22:T/W/Th -Altered schedule
Week of Sept 29: T/W/F- Altered Schedule [[Possible Comp Weekend]]

This is when the season really starts to get moving. As you can see in the schedule for September, we start to cut down to 3 days a week. It is CRUCIAL for girls to be at every practice. We want to do the best we can to set them up for success. We also will be getting ready for the 2 competitions that are roughly 3 and 5 weeks away. The reason I have it listed as "possible" competition for the week of Sept 29th is because PopWarner is working to secure the Shoreline facility. The competition will either be that weekend or the following one.

If you have any questions at any time please reach out to Coach Krystle either by phone or by email.

Friday, August 22, 2014


We're off to a great start SV Juniors!

Reminder: Certification is Approaching.
If you do not attend Certification, you will not be allowed to cheer for the season.
When: Saturday, August 30th. We are still waiting for a time from the league.
Certification is typically meeting at 6am and lasts until roughly noon.

Scrimmage this Sunday: Our SV football teams will be scrimmaging at the Santa Clara Lions field. Please see your first and ten bulletin for details.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blog Blast!

SV Juniors Welcome to the Blog! 

I have added your email addresses to the blog. This means these postings will be coming directly to your email. As mentioned in the email I sent out earlier today (8/13) the email notification gets sent out the following morning. Example, I post it today (Wednesday) and you will get it Thursday mid-night/early morning. 
*I will do my best to mention everything at circle ups, but this will be your main source of information, especially if you want things in advanced. 

Practices for the remainder of August will be as follows:
Week of 8/11

Week of 8/18

Week of 8/25

Certification will be Saturday, August 30th. Time is still TBD
Our first game will be Sunday, August 31st. Time is TBD

Following that weekend (Labor Day Weekend) we will be switching to 3 days a week.
**Due to the Holiday and after much consideration the first week of September, we will be practicing T(9/2)/Th(9/4)/F(9/5).

Practices for the remainder of September will most likely be M/T/F. Please note that this is changed for originally and this is still tentative. I am working to arrange everything. Times regardless will be 6-8:30pm (2 hours 15 min practice that includes their 15 minute break)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Practice Sunday

The Jrs WILL be on the field today (Sunday) as previously planned. 

I will see you there at 9am! Thank you 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

First Practice- August 1st

The time has finally come, the season begins tomorrow! I wanted to touch on a few important things in preparing for a successful first day. Please plan to arrive early at 5:30pm, as it will be a very busy day to collect paperwork and get started. Practice will run from 6pm-8:45pm. *If your child has friends on the team, please check with their parents to make sure they received this email. If not, have them reach out to me please! 

Required to Practice: Please have your physicals ready to turn in (If they are not turned in yet) and fees ready. There 2 documents are what will allow your child to be on the field.Fees must be paid in full and Physicals must be turned in for your child to be on the field. The total balance is $375 even for those girls returning who do not need sweats. SV will be issuing refunds once everything has been collected. I mentioned in previous weeks that $25 was the estimate and so we are still finalizing those cost. If you are unsure of your balance, please reach out to Barbara Lovelace. 

Reminders: Your child must have practice clothes to participate. NO TANK TOPS, Bring sunscreen, Bring sweats in bag, Bring water, Bring healthy snack (No nuts), Comfortable shoes to work out in, All paperwork, including contracts.

Make-up Parent Meeting: The make up parent meeting is tentative for August 2nd following practice. Please do not make me chase anyone down. 

Blog: Please subscribe and stay updated through the Blog. It will be the primary means of communication. This year we have a big team and it will be YOUR responsibility to be updated. I do not like to repeat myself, nor is it my job to. Please be respectful that I coach strictly as a volunteer and I already invest plenty of time in making sure things are ran effectively and efficiently. For now, I have included almost everything in this email that will typically be found on the blog. I will give until the end of the 2nd week for everyone to be subscribed. I am not able to see subscribers, so it is your responsibility to add yourself.  

Yahoo Emails:  I have learned recently that sometimes when I send out emails to the entire team, Yahoo will sometimes send them to your spam folder. This is because I send emails with the addresses in the BCC to keep them private. This may be applicable to other email domains, but it is better safe than sorry to make sure this email address is marked as "Not Spam."

League Wide Emails: These contain great reminders. Please review them, but review with consideration that at times our information may be different. It is important to stay updated through circle ups, blog and emails from myself. 

Month of August Practice Schedule: *Please note that we have different practices than the league for some days. 
Weekday practices will run 6-8:45pm. Circle up will be at 8:35pm.
Saturday and Sunday Practices will run 9-11:45am.

~ August 2014 ~
Sep 2014 ►

1 Practice

2 Practice

3 Practice

4 Practice

5 Practice


7 Practice

8 Practice

9 Practice


11 Practice

12 Practice

13 Practice
*Note Change


15 Practice

16 Practice


18 Practice

19 Practice

20 Practice


22 Practice

 * Note Change

25 Practice

26 Practice

27 Practice
*Note Change

28 Practice

29 Practice



If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me and I will answer them the best I can. I know this is a TON of information, but as my returning parents know, I want to make sure we are thorough and all on the same page. With a team of 35, it is going to be crucial that everyone pulls their weight in staying informed. 

Your SV Jr. Pee Wee staff looks forward to an awesome season! See you on the field!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Practice Schedule

Season begins in 2 Days! (Friday 6pm-8:30pm)- Parents please plan to be there at 8:20 for Circle up
*Paperwork MUST be turned in for cheerleader to practice 

Saturday, August 2nd : SV will be having a Family Night Bonding event at the San Jose Sabercats game. Tickets are only $10 and proceeds will go towards Sunnyvale Popwarner as a fundraiser. Fundraisers like this help contribute to our Travel fund for nationals! I highly encourage participation.

There are a couple changes to the August Schedule: Please see below

~ August 2014 ~

1 Practice

2 Practice

3 Practice

4 Practice

5 Practice


7 Practice

8 Practice

9 Practice


11 Practice

12 Practice

13 Practice
*Note Change


15 Practice

16 Practice


18 Practice

19 Practice

20 Practice


22 Practice

 * Note Change

25 Practice

26 Practice

27 Practice
*Note Change

28 Practice

29 Practice



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Updates 7/23

Last Sign up: Saturday, July 26th 11am-2pm at Fair Oaks Park
This will also be a uniform fitting. Everyone who is signed up has been fitted. If you are not signed up and plan to, please be prepared for a uniform fitting.
There will also be a doctor in the house to conduct physicals. Cost will be $25 CASH ONLY. If you do not have your physical completed, I suggest to do it here. You're cheerleader MUST have a physical completed to practice August 1st.

Practice Schedule: Please note practice schedule listed on the right side of this blog. I will try my best to keep it updated. If it differs from what I have given out, please let me know so I can adjust. 

League Emails: This is helpful to create awareness of what is going on in the league. If any thing differs from what has been discussed by the Head Coach, please check as the Head Coach has final say on dates, times etc. The league emails are made to be general for all teams.

Conditioning Camp: The first month is definitely the hardest when it comes to conditioning. This conditioning camp is the perfect preparation tool for your cheerleader to start the season. New athletes to the camp will be discounting the last week (Monday 7/28- Thursday 7/31) to only $30! You would be amazed the advantage that 4 extra days of camp will do in preparing your athlete. 

Practice Clothes: Girls are REQUIRED this season to purchase 2 pairs of black cheer shorts and 2 plain white shirts. This can be found at Kohls or Sports Authority. They run roughly 5 dollars per shorts. Certain practices will require the girls to dress in this attire. Please plan to have them purchased by August 7th. 

Bring to Practice: I recommend Smart Water/Perfect Water/ or Gatorade. Something that contains electrolytes. This will help in preventing dehydration. I also suggest a Regular water as well. Especially during August because it gets HOT.

Healthy Snacks: Your child will not be allowed to bring junk food to practice. This includes Hot Cheetos or anything that isn't considered healthy. I suggest fruits, vegetables, etc. NO NUTS, we have an allergy. This is a safety precaution. If you bring snacks please double check the packaging of the factory they're made. 

Empty Water bottles: We will be using Water Bottles to fill with Sand for little hand weights. If you have empty water bottles, please bring them to the first 2 days of practice for us to turn into weights. 

Physicals: This is one of the most important paper works to have completed prior to August 1st. No Physical=No Practice

Cheer Shoes: Payless Shoes carries Smart Fit: Sizzle Tracks for roughly under $20. These are my preference for girls to have as practice shoes. As long as the shoes are comfortable for cross training in sports and they have arch support. I suggest smooth surfaced bottoms for stunting.

Cheer Attire: It is important for your cheerleader to have comfortable clothes that they can stretch and move around in. I suggest Shorts and a comfortable T-Shirt. In their bag, they should have sweats (Both sweatshirt AND sweat pants). The nights do get cold and we do not want girls getting sick.
No Nailpolish, no jewelry and be ready to practice once 6pm hits. Hair up etc.

Balances: I don't like to regulate this. This is my least favorite part of being a head coach. Because of this, I like to get them done and over with Prior to August 1st. Please get your balances paid off so that I can focus on the girls and developing their skills for nationals.

Please note that the team is going to be much bigger this year than last year and it will cause me to be much more straight forward and on point. Due dates and deadlines will be taken very seriously. Let's make this another stress-free season and GET IT DONE!