Sunday, September 14, 2014

Email Reposting

Hello SV Family,

I hope your weekend went well! Just wanted to touch base on a few things.

Practice dates this week were mentioned after Friday's practice. They will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. 
*Practice is required all the dates and failure to attend a practice may result in being pulled from Sunday's performance. 

Fundraiser: GREAT job to the girls for collecting fundraisers. I am extremely impressed! This shows me their level of commitment and their intent to finish the season through Nationals. I do hope this effort continues moving forward. Nationals is approximately 1200+ per cheerleader. Please do not wait until November to prepare for this. Also, those that forgot their fundraisers on Friday, Tuesday will be the absolute last day for us to collect them. 

Comp Information: I have not been given details other than it will be this Sunday, September 21st. Please plan to be there early. Last season, jubilee arrival time was 6am. The location is Gunderson High School in San Jose. I will update everyone as soon as I hear more. 

Uniform: Girls have been fitted and we are finding uniforms to be mostly true to size. Shoes, however, have been finding a bunch of off sizes. I will be issuing backpacks and small goodies half way through the week. Uniforms will be released at my discretion. If you have any questions about these, please come to me. As mentioned at practice on Friday, any issues should be addressed through me so we can handle them accordingly. This is to be a stress free season and I do the best I can to keep things running smoothly. 

Snack money: $25 should have been turned in by last Friday. Please check with Coach Jackie and turn in your snack money asap. Girls will not be issued any of their cheer gear until you have turned in your money. 

Efforts: I just wanted to side note, as mentioned on Friday, I coach for the girls and all the parents help is so beyond greatly appreciated. I am thankful to have such a supportive team and we will all experience the success. It is everyone that makes the season successful. 

Thank you everyone!

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