Thursday, October 9, 2014

Updates Including October Practices

Great job to the girls over the weekend for leaving it all out there. We had a bit of hiccups, but nothing that we can't recover from.

We had our nationals meeting on this past Monday. Girls and Guardians/Parents were expected to let me know where they stand on nationals. Those that have not contacted me have been notified.
Girls that do not plan to attend nationals will have their last practices the week leading up to November 1st competition. They will be invited to participate in games during playoffs. If they chose to participate in games, same contract is in force as far as being late and being there to be apart of the team. During these practices leading up to November 1st, it is crucial that all girls conduct practice as if they are going to the national level. They will be expected to push hard.

Game this weekend:
Arrive at 9:30am. Game starts at 11:30am
Location: Leigh High School in San Jose: Address: 5210 Leigh Ave. San Jose, CA 95124This.
Dress: Girls should come just like previous games with a white shirt and their black skirts. We are not wearing our competition uniform as that is to be saved for competition. Do not wear your competition shoes.

Dance Saturday:
The league will be having a dance on Saturday. I am assuming it will start at 6pm, but this is not confirmed. I am also assuming there is no cost and it will be the cost of the can. I do think there will be food for sale. I am basically waiting on details. Location: Fair Oaks Park

This week (10/6): T/Th/F
Week of 10/13: T/Th/F
Week of 10/20: T/W/F **Possible weekend practice instead of Wednesday Stay posted, Keep both days free
Week of 10/27: M/W/Th
Competition: November 1st

*Please anticipate these are subject to change. I do have a goal to get the girls into a building for one of the days which will involve a weekend practice.

Currently we have Popcorn going and are pushing for families to seek sponsorships. Finances are not a reason to not attend nationals as there are people out there that would gladly help out in allowing these girls to go to Florida. It is all a matter of will power and desire. I highly encourage girls to be proactive. It is not solely the parents responsibilities, but rather the girls efforts.

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