Thursday, July 31, 2014

First Practice- August 1st

The time has finally come, the season begins tomorrow! I wanted to touch on a few important things in preparing for a successful first day. Please plan to arrive early at 5:30pm, as it will be a very busy day to collect paperwork and get started. Practice will run from 6pm-8:45pm. *If your child has friends on the team, please check with their parents to make sure they received this email. If not, have them reach out to me please! 

Required to Practice: Please have your physicals ready to turn in (If they are not turned in yet) and fees ready. There 2 documents are what will allow your child to be on the field.Fees must be paid in full and Physicals must be turned in for your child to be on the field. The total balance is $375 even for those girls returning who do not need sweats. SV will be issuing refunds once everything has been collected. I mentioned in previous weeks that $25 was the estimate and so we are still finalizing those cost. If you are unsure of your balance, please reach out to Barbara Lovelace. 

Reminders: Your child must have practice clothes to participate. NO TANK TOPS, Bring sunscreen, Bring sweats in bag, Bring water, Bring healthy snack (No nuts), Comfortable shoes to work out in, All paperwork, including contracts.

Make-up Parent Meeting: The make up parent meeting is tentative for August 2nd following practice. Please do not make me chase anyone down. 

Blog: Please subscribe and stay updated through the Blog. It will be the primary means of communication. This year we have a big team and it will be YOUR responsibility to be updated. I do not like to repeat myself, nor is it my job to. Please be respectful that I coach strictly as a volunteer and I already invest plenty of time in making sure things are ran effectively and efficiently. For now, I have included almost everything in this email that will typically be found on the blog. I will give until the end of the 2nd week for everyone to be subscribed. I am not able to see subscribers, so it is your responsibility to add yourself.  

Yahoo Emails:  I have learned recently that sometimes when I send out emails to the entire team, Yahoo will sometimes send them to your spam folder. This is because I send emails with the addresses in the BCC to keep them private. This may be applicable to other email domains, but it is better safe than sorry to make sure this email address is marked as "Not Spam."

League Wide Emails: These contain great reminders. Please review them, but review with consideration that at times our information may be different. It is important to stay updated through circle ups, blog and emails from myself. 

Month of August Practice Schedule: *Please note that we have different practices than the league for some days. 
Weekday practices will run 6-8:45pm. Circle up will be at 8:35pm.
Saturday and Sunday Practices will run 9-11:45am.

~ August 2014 ~
Sep 2014 ►

1 Practice

2 Practice

3 Practice

4 Practice

5 Practice


7 Practice

8 Practice

9 Practice


11 Practice

12 Practice

13 Practice
*Note Change


15 Practice

16 Practice


18 Practice

19 Practice

20 Practice


22 Practice

 * Note Change

25 Practice

26 Practice

27 Practice
*Note Change

28 Practice

29 Practice



If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me and I will answer them the best I can. I know this is a TON of information, but as my returning parents know, I want to make sure we are thorough and all on the same page. With a team of 35, it is going to be crucial that everyone pulls their weight in staying informed. 

Your SV Jr. Pee Wee staff looks forward to an awesome season! See you on the field!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Practice Schedule

Season begins in 2 Days! (Friday 6pm-8:30pm)- Parents please plan to be there at 8:20 for Circle up
*Paperwork MUST be turned in for cheerleader to practice 

Saturday, August 2nd : SV will be having a Family Night Bonding event at the San Jose Sabercats game. Tickets are only $10 and proceeds will go towards Sunnyvale Popwarner as a fundraiser. Fundraisers like this help contribute to our Travel fund for nationals! I highly encourage participation.

There are a couple changes to the August Schedule: Please see below

~ August 2014 ~

1 Practice

2 Practice

3 Practice

4 Practice

5 Practice


7 Practice

8 Practice

9 Practice


11 Practice

12 Practice

13 Practice
*Note Change


15 Practice

16 Practice


18 Practice

19 Practice

20 Practice


22 Practice

 * Note Change

25 Practice

26 Practice

27 Practice
*Note Change

28 Practice

29 Practice



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Updates 7/23

Last Sign up: Saturday, July 26th 11am-2pm at Fair Oaks Park
This will also be a uniform fitting. Everyone who is signed up has been fitted. If you are not signed up and plan to, please be prepared for a uniform fitting.
There will also be a doctor in the house to conduct physicals. Cost will be $25 CASH ONLY. If you do not have your physical completed, I suggest to do it here. You're cheerleader MUST have a physical completed to practice August 1st.

Practice Schedule: Please note practice schedule listed on the right side of this blog. I will try my best to keep it updated. If it differs from what I have given out, please let me know so I can adjust. 

League Emails: This is helpful to create awareness of what is going on in the league. If any thing differs from what has been discussed by the Head Coach, please check as the Head Coach has final say on dates, times etc. The league emails are made to be general for all teams.

Conditioning Camp: The first month is definitely the hardest when it comes to conditioning. This conditioning camp is the perfect preparation tool for your cheerleader to start the season. New athletes to the camp will be discounting the last week (Monday 7/28- Thursday 7/31) to only $30! You would be amazed the advantage that 4 extra days of camp will do in preparing your athlete. 

Practice Clothes: Girls are REQUIRED this season to purchase 2 pairs of black cheer shorts and 2 plain white shirts. This can be found at Kohls or Sports Authority. They run roughly 5 dollars per shorts. Certain practices will require the girls to dress in this attire. Please plan to have them purchased by August 7th. 

Bring to Practice: I recommend Smart Water/Perfect Water/ or Gatorade. Something that contains electrolytes. This will help in preventing dehydration. I also suggest a Regular water as well. Especially during August because it gets HOT.

Healthy Snacks: Your child will not be allowed to bring junk food to practice. This includes Hot Cheetos or anything that isn't considered healthy. I suggest fruits, vegetables, etc. NO NUTS, we have an allergy. This is a safety precaution. If you bring snacks please double check the packaging of the factory they're made. 

Empty Water bottles: We will be using Water Bottles to fill with Sand for little hand weights. If you have empty water bottles, please bring them to the first 2 days of practice for us to turn into weights. 

Physicals: This is one of the most important paper works to have completed prior to August 1st. No Physical=No Practice

Cheer Shoes: Payless Shoes carries Smart Fit: Sizzle Tracks for roughly under $20. These are my preference for girls to have as practice shoes. As long as the shoes are comfortable for cross training in sports and they have arch support. I suggest smooth surfaced bottoms for stunting.

Cheer Attire: It is important for your cheerleader to have comfortable clothes that they can stretch and move around in. I suggest Shorts and a comfortable T-Shirt. In their bag, they should have sweats (Both sweatshirt AND sweat pants). The nights do get cold and we do not want girls getting sick.
No Nailpolish, no jewelry and be ready to practice once 6pm hits. Hair up etc.

Balances: I don't like to regulate this. This is my least favorite part of being a head coach. Because of this, I like to get them done and over with Prior to August 1st. Please get your balances paid off so that I can focus on the girls and developing their skills for nationals.

Please note that the team is going to be much bigger this year than last year and it will cause me to be much more straight forward and on point. Due dates and deadlines will be taken very seriously. Let's make this another stress-free season and GET IT DONE!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Updates.. Countdown!

Gymnastics/Open Gym: This is at CSC in Santa Clara. The cost is $5 and runs from 2-3pm. This is a great opportunity to practice old skills and learn new skills before the season begins!

SV Conditioning Camp!
3 Week long camp beginning July 8th. If you cannot make the start date, you can sign up during any of the sessions.
Cost: $50 - Great deal, averages less than $3 a day!

What: Helps prepare athletes for the season by developing form, getting in shape while having a fun time. There will be multiple coaches that come in to help out.

Everyone needs to start somewhere! This is a great basics camp!

Parent Meeting: Tuesday July 15th at 7pm @ Pizza Depot. Cheerleaders AND parents should be in attendance. **We will be accepting signs ups as well as payments for your season dues. Total cost is $375. Returning girls that do not need new warm ups, the estimated cost is $350.

Uniforms: If you have not been fitted, it is crucial that you reach out to Coach Krystle and arrange a fitting.

Remaining Sign up dates:
Saturday, July 12th- 12-2pm -Sports Authority off El Camino in SV
Tuesday, July 15th- 7pm- Pizza Depot- During parent meeting
Thursday, July 17th - 6-8pm- Pizza Depot OR Fair Oaks Park *Please keep posted

Season begins Friday August 1st!.... It's on!